Sunday, December 29, 2013

How to Make Homemade Anti-aging Soap

How to Make Homemade Anti-aging Soap
How to Make Homemade Anti-aging Soap
This wonderful anti-aging soap act as conditioner and skin soften. Not just for your face but your entire body. The natural antioxidants in the henna, jujube leaves extracts and vitamin E soap help fight free radicals in your body.
Rose water – 2 cup
Glycerin -1 cup
Vitamin E soap – 100g
Dry henna leaves – ¼ cup
Jujube leaves – ¼ cup
In a pan, cook soap and glycerin, rose water, henna leaves and Jujube leaves. Then pour in any container and keep in fridge for 72 hours. Use this Anti-aging soap or face wash.

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