Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Homemade Anti Wrinkle Cream

Homemade Anti Wrinkle Cream


2 tsp jojoba oil

1 tsp coconut oil

3 tsp apricot kernel oil

3 tsp Rosehip seed oil

1.5 tsp beeswax pastilles

6-10 tsp rose-water


Place beeswax, jojoba, coconut, rosehip and essential oils (basically everything besides the rose water!) in a double 

boiler or right in a stainless steel pan (keep your pans separate).  Heat on low very gently to melt wax about 5-8 


Stir well.

After you you remove the ingredients from the stove (I let mine cool for a few minutes because it can be really hot.)

Place in blender (be careful bc this can be very tough to clean out after).

Add in the rose water a little bit at a time (through the top of the blender).

Pulse the blender a few times and you will have a nice fluffy cream.  Remember the cleanup can be MESSY! Still worth it though.

My suggestion is to double or triple the batch (if you are doing the cream version)… place in refrigerator until ready to use.

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