Sunday, February 16, 2014

Natural Home Remedies for Soft Hands

Natural Home Remedies for Soft Hands

Although, we see a large number of chemical products in the market for treating dry and cracked hands but they aren’t much healthier. Therefore it’s better to get rid of those expensive cosmetics and turn your attention towards easy home-made remedies which are not only less costly but also much healthier for the skin.

Below are some Useful Tips to have Soft hands:
1. Gram Flour
Prepare a paste of curd and gram flour (besan). Apply this paste on your hands. Rinse with water after 15 minutes. It will make your hands smooth and glowing.
Take some gram flour in a bowl and add coconut oil to it. Mix well to prepare a paste. Instead of soap, use it. It is a natural exfoliator.
2. Glycerine and Rose Water
Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of glycerine and few drops of rose water. Apply this mixture twice a day for getting silky hands.
3. Lemon
Take a lemon and cut into half. Put half teaspoon of sugar into it. Rub it on your hands. This remedy removes tan and makes your skin spongy.
Mix fresh cream with lemon juice. Add one teaspoon of sugar to this mixture. Massage with it and wash after 10 minutes. This remedy will do great for parched hands.
4. Coconut Oil
Massage your hands, with coconut oil. It helps in healing the chapped hands. After massage, don’t go in the sun; otherwise, your hands will get tanned. For getting best results, apply it at night.
5. Lukewarm Milk
Take some lukewarm milk in a wide bowl and dip your hands in it for 5 minutes. Instead of washing with water, pat them with a dry towel. Apply a moisturizer. Do it regularly. You will soon get rid of rigid and dry skin.
6. Potatoes
Boil 2 potatoes and mash them. To it, add 1 or 2 teaspoon of glycerine and almond oil. Keep the consistency of this mixture light, so as to apply it easily on your hands. After 1 hour, wash with lukewarm water.
7. White Vinegar
Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar in water. Soak your hands in it. Do it daily. It will keep your skin supple.
8. Olive Oil
Mix a little olive oil with oatmeal. Gently rub it on your hands. After 15 minutes, rinse off with water. It’s the best remedy to fling out dead skin cells.
Alternatively, you can massage with olive oil.
9. Sugar
Mix two teaspoons of sugar and three teaspoons of baby oil (alternatively, you can use vegetable oil or olive oil). With the help of fingertips, massage this mixture on your hands, in a circular motion. After 10-15 minutes, wash with water. Apply the moisturizer.
Mix 3/4th teaspoon of sugar in one tablespoon of honey. Massage your hands with this mixture for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water. You will surely get delicate and silky hands.
10. Vinegar
To get wrinkled free hands, apply the mixture of vinegar and onion juice. You will notice the difference within a few days.
Some Quick Tips:
Resort to a good quality moisturizing soap and slightly warm water to cleanse your hands.
Massage your hands with good quality moisturizer, until the skin absorbs it.
Wear gloves while gardening, washing clothes or doing kitchen work.
Protect your hands from direct sun rays by applying sunscreen lotion.
Apply Vaseline petroleum jelly at night.

Your hands are your helpers. You can’t accomplish any of the routine activity without your hands. Hence, they ought to have complete attention, love and care.

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